Back to basics...

A nice simple shot of an original old buffer in RTs, looking a little bit out of place on the streets of London. Generally it's full-frontal shots we all want to see, but sometimes it can be fun to leave the phizog to the imagination. I bet it's ruddy!

RTs abroad - Monaco

"Blimey, that bloke looks like a bit of a berk!  ...oh wait hang on - "

At the cricket

Many many thanks to Andy W  for this absolute corker. I thought it was posed at first, but no - just good timing with the facial expression.

Thursday 14 July 2011

Blurry Bunter

I spotted this fellow at London Zoo the other evening. A disappointingly low-res shot of course, but the combination of RTs, boat shoes, blazer, corpulence, relative youth, and the confused look that asks "Why is that man taking my picture? Or is he taking a picture of his friend standing beside me? But his phone is definitely more pointed at me..." make this shot one I'm particularly proud of.